In other news, I had a memory jump up and bite me in the ass earlier in the week. I remember flicking through a set of postcards in the bottom drawer of my parents room when I was a kid. I remembered them being of slightly framed ladies with big patterned dresses on. I remembered I used to sit on the floor and look at them for ages. This memory is easily 20 years old. Haven't thought of it in all that time. We still have the drawers so I curiously opened the bottom drawer to see if my memory was serving me correctly. I sifted around for a while and there they were...

This one I have cleverly named Snow Lady and she is one of my favourites.
Opening this bottom drawer turned out to be a pandoras box of pictures I had not seen before. Seeing pictures of myself as a little girl made me ache to be tiny again, and brought on a strong realisation that time waits for no one. Now every second that ticks on my annoyingly-loud-but-beautiful SWATCH watch reminds me that my life is another second closer to ending.