Soft Cuts sneak peek....

I haven't posted anything in ages as I have been buried in my own little world pulling together all the last minute things in preparation for my upcoming solo show at 19KAREN. I have had some great sponsors jump on board, including The Pepin Press - who make some of my favourite design books ever, Frankie Magazine - always lovely, and Yabby Lake Vineyard - who make some of my favourite wines ever, so I'm chuffed that they are behind me :)
Above is a snap from my studio of some skulls I have been painting, kindly taken by Dave. I leave for QLD to set up on the 21st October, and I am soooo excited!! xxx

The National

Hailing from NYC, The National are hands down one of my favourite bands in the world. I'm not even going to try to explain what they sound like, you just need to listen to them.
When I found out that the yellow bird project have released a tee design by the band, I raced to check it out. Here she is in all her circular symmetrical beauty...

Illustre Awards 2009

It's been a big week, preparing for the opening of the Illustre show in Prahran, putting together work for my solo show in October, creating new designs for my lovely clients (I can't wait to post what I have been working on!!) and all the other craziness that fills my days.

The biggest news this week is that I won an award! The Illustre show opening was also an awards night (I had no idea they would be giving awards! I just thought it was a party...) Anyway, I was very excited to win the

Illustrators Australia Overall Consistency Award

The main prize for this award was to be granted membership to Illustrators Australia, which I am really excited to be a part of, they have so many good Illustrators on their books!!

You can see my new profile with IA here
