Nicholas Wilton
Outta here!
I love LOLLIES! New work: The Natural Confectionary Company
The popular parenting website kidspot is now adorned with some cute illustrations I did for Australia's much loved lolly institution, The Natural Confectionary Company (TNCC). The illustrations promote nurturing kids imaginations and encourages parents to get their kids outside and using their amazing little minds to entertain themselves rather than a TV or the like. I don't have any kids of my own, but if I ever do I imagine they are going to be constantly covered in paint and mud and playing dress ups and choreographing dances to Ini Kamoze's Here comes the Hotstepper and whatever else they come up with... So I love the whole idea behind TNCC's campaign and was really stoked to be working on it with them. The illustrations were used to make animated banners, games, splash pages etc for the kidspot website. Here's a screen grab from the site, the grassy illustration shown is the splash page for either site of the main page on kidspot. xxx
Motherwell & Frankenthaler
mid-century Husband & wife=power couple
Robert Motherwell
Robert Motherwell was born January 4, 1915, in Aberdeen, Washington. He was awarded a fellowship to the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles at age 11, and in 1932 studied painting briefly at the California School of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Motherwell received a B.A. from Stanford University in 1937 and enrolled for graduate work later that year in the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He traveled to Europe in 1938 for a year of study abroad. His first solo show was presented at the Raymond Duncan Gallery in Paris in 1939.
In September of 1940, Motherwell settled in New York, where he entered Columbia University to study art history with Meyer Schapiro, who encouraged him to become a painter. In 1941, Motherwell traveled to Mexico with Roberto Matta for six months. After returning to New York, his circle came to include William Baziotes, Willem de Kooning, Hans Hofmann, and Jackson Pollock. In 1942, Motherwell was included in the exhibition First Papers of Surrealism at the Whitelaw Reid Mansion, New York. In 1944, Motherwell became editor of the Documents of Modern Art series of books, and he contributed frequently to the literature on Modern art from that time.