This post is majorly over-due, but better late than never.
One of my favourite brands in the country is
smiggle, for their vast array of fun stationary. I am a stationary junkie, so I was stoked when the creative directors at smiggle asked me to design their Christmas graphic. The piece was based on a previous illustration of mine that they loved (pictured), and it was used on everything from window decals to christmas wrap, they even had 3D versions instore!
I had photos but Dave's mac crashed and they disappeared into the oblivion, so the original artwork itself will have to suffice.
Since this project I have been working full time for smiggle's parent company The Just Group as a Graphic Artist, an loving every minute of it. I was invited back over to smiggle to work on another great project that hasn't been released yet, I'll post about it and include the video (yes, an animation!) when it's released. I love my job.