Up early, trip to the Osteo for my monthly 'tune up' due to spending most of my days face planted into my mac screen... then onto Northside Wheelers to visit Malachi and his cute little bike store and picked up some of his Urban Crop tulips - see picture (picture taken from Northside Wheelers blog)....then into the city to collect cupcakes from Little Cupcakes in Degraves street for Philippa and Megans baby shower at Lou's house. Stopped off at the gardens and ran/walked the Tan on my way home to then perform a superman style change of garments and headed to Lou's where I ate myself stupid and chatted, all the while admiring James' bow tie. Now headed to Brighton for my cousins engagement party. It's a fucking freezing day. Tomorrow I've promised myself I'm doing nothing but lounging around with my man and my cat (and maybe picking up the paintbrushes).... Onwards and upwards xxx