he instantly made anyone around him feel good. I was lucky enough to share many great laughs with him.
I consider him one of the most influential, and best friends I’ve ever known. He was truly one of a kind.
I know his memory will live on and continue to inspire me, and my family for the rest of our lives.
You will never be forgotten, Corey.

He will be dearly missed.
Beth B.

Thank you all for your memories of my brother! Besides being an amazing artist and friend, he was also a loving brother and patient uncle. I am so greatful for all the times he sat down with my daughter, starting around age 2, and painted with her. This last Thanksgiving, they did police sketch. She loved it and it was so neat to see how each of their drawings turned out and how encouraging he was to her! And with my son, he could always calm him when he was fussing. He was gentle, patient, and so loving with them! I will take this amazing tribute and show them when they are older. So they see how great their uncle was! Thank you!!
Martha E.

Kind of heart...long on patience...with a wealth of talent and knowledge
that he was always willing to share...it was a privilege to know him.
Rocky gribner

Corey loved to visit the Cleveland museum of Art just about every month. Each time we were with him, he needed to see this one particular pieceby George Inness called "Sunny Autumn Day"
We must have seen this painting at least 20 times - Every single time he would say, " Hold up a minute guys, I need to see the Innes. He was like a GPS in that place- like a mouse looking for cheese. "Look! Look at the light he gets! Its like...glowing see it?" I would say, "Ok... again with the Innes...How many times do we have to see this piece Cor?"
He would sharply reply, "As long as it takes."
If you ever visit the Cleveland Museum of Art, go see it.
rob r

Sunny Autumn Day
by George Inness called "Sunny Autumn Day"
We must have seen this painting at least 20 times - Every single time he would say, " Hold up a minute guys, I need to see the Innes. He was like a GPS in that place- like a mouse looking for cheese. "Look! Look at the light he gets! Its like...glowing see it?" I would say, "Ok... again with the Innes...How many times do we have to see this piece Cor?"
He would sharply reply, "As long as it takes."
If you ever visit the Cleveland Museum of Art, go see it.
rob r

Sunny Autumn Day

talented he is, and by sitting next to him, how he always helped out with
others at any time. anyone ever needed help with anything he wouldn't
hesitate to help. People respected his work and him as a person and many
looked up to him. I was so inspired by his print making and the time a small
group of us went to an offsite workshop at Zygote. Corey blew me away with
the work he did there and I learned so much by watching him that still
carries with me today.
I miss him,
Jennifer Fitchwell

He was a kind soul that will be greatly missed.
Julie Doll

AG parking lot in preparation for the Great Design v. Graphics Softball Game
this past summer. A talented man with a great heart and deep soul. So
sorry about his passing.
Mike G.

hanging out with friends. And everyone LOVED COREY.....We were so lucky to
have him.

Boy, am I going to miss Corey. He was a super dog sitter. He fed me cheesecake from his fork, scrubbed my belly and made me crazy. He let me smoosh up against him on the couch, sneeze in his face and pant during the movies. He even stayed with me sometimes and made sure I had all the food and love I needed. When I heard his car coming up the driveway, I would get really excited. I am going to miss him very very much
Step Son Stuart aka Super Stu
PS I'm the big chubby one.
And not too be outdone, we would also like to express our love for Corey. Even though we know Stuart was his favorite... I'm sure we were annoying, but he always came to help out by walking us, feeding us, letting us go outside when Mom couldn't get home in time. For me (Miro the husky) he played tug o war, chase the cookies and gave lots of walks even in the park. And with Tiny (who's deaf and blind so I have to write this for him) he kept him warm on the couch under the blankets and held him like a really relaxed baby... which no one else could do.
Corey, we miss and love you!
Tiny (Stan) and Miro

Hey Corey, remember that one Indian's game we went to - snuck passed the ticket checkers to get better seats? We both drank too much beer, each having quite a stack of plastic cups. Afterward, we walked the Lorain-Carnegie bridge back to Ohio City before calling it a night. Who knew that evening, as fun as it was, would be only one of maybe a handful of times we'd get to spend together? If I had only known, I would have made sure to appreciate every nuance all the more, every play, every joke, every laugh.
I took it for granted that you'd always be around. I'll miss you dearly. Peace and Love.
Jamey C.

Corey was a talented artist and an amazing person. It has been an honor to have known him and to be his friend. He was always there to offer an impromptu art critique, share a laugh, or provide a friendly word of encouragement. I'll never forget the time when we went snowboarding and he convinced me to ride the chair lift for the very first time. I was terrified, but somehow Corey had me laughing the whole ride up and managed to help me off the lift without falling. I will always remember Corey. His optimism, quick wit, and contagious smile will be dearly missed.
Ali Kurzeja

Claire m.

The memories people have shared about him this week start with the fun and
silly corey stories, mentioning his little quirky laugh and his gentle
nature, and recalling past fun times, but then the tone changes and there's
a pause, and the respect and awe everyone has for his talent is hard to even
describe, until you see his artwork, and then you understand.
Corey, we will all miss you so much,
but it will never be goodbye, with your art and memories you leave behind.
Peace to corey :(

Lindsay H.

Corey was my homeboy. He liked food. No, wait, he LOVED food. I used to ask him when he was going to do a series on cheeseburgers. Corey would finish a series of paintings and then immediately dislike them, despite the fact that they were brilliant. His process worked like that. Always progressing, no time to wait around and bask in past achievements. He set the bar high as far as human greatness goes, I don't think I will ever be able to touch even a fraction of Corey's genuine character, but because I was blessed enough to know him, I am blessed enough to have that bar to reach for. And for that I am thankful. White Corey, as we called him, you will be missed daily. I was very happy to have stumbled upon this tribute. Thanks to all who contributed.

Corey was one of the most genuinely kind, funny, smart, and talented people I've ever met. I'm honored to have been his friend.
I first met him at Kendall College of Art and Design and we immediately hit it off. We'd often hang out at his apartment and paint together, bouncing suggestions and ideas off of each other as we worked. Practically all of my fond memories of college involve Corey; taking a couple classes together, being in a student show together, grabbing lunch from time to time, talking about our favorite artists, movies, music... and so on.
One time we decided to do an art trade with each other. We picked a theme (Fairy Tales) and each of us had to create a painting for the other based on anything related to that theme. His painting of the wide-eyed frog prince sitting at a dinner table was the first thing I hung up when I bought my first home. It was my way of christening the house.
Corey became such a great friend that he was a groomsman at my wedding, and I was honored to have him next to me on such a big day.
Even though Corey lived a few hours away, we talked on the phone every once in awhile, for hours each time. He was so easy to talk to, and no matter how much time had passed between each conversation we could always pick up right where we left off.
I'll always cherish the laughter, insight, and joy Corey brought into my life.
He will be forever missed.

He was a genuine person I had ever met. I loved all his works and proud owner of one of his art pieces.
When I returned from my cancer treatments in Spring of 2008, he greeted me and hanged me and wished me the best of luck.
I did the same thing to him when he returned from his treatments. We joked about our "baldy" heads.
He was an amazing artist and truly an inspiration to all of us. It was a privilege to know him.