JOANNA NEBORSKY is a maker of jittery ink drawings and 1960s-stung collage; her work suggests a blend of "Shel Silverstein, Yellow Submarine, and Cy Twombly." (She would gently add Monty Python.) Her first book, an illustrated series of gruesome turn-of-the-century French news items translated by Luc Sante, was published by Mark Batty Publisher in September 2010. Her clients include Farrar, Straus & Giroux, W Magazine, and the New York Times. The illustrator doffs her beret to the Sauls (Steinberg & Bass), the Bens (Shahn & Katchor), and people with other names. She lives in Brooklyn.
M.F.A. Illustration, School of Visual Arts, 2009
B.A. English, Yale University, 2003
Special thanks to Kathy Mac for showing me her work!