Mark English
If you are "twenty something", you are probably unfamiliar with Mark English. This guy dominated the illustration field for over thirty year's-from the late 60's-to the 90's. He stopped illustrating year's ago and ventured into the fine art world. English can manipulate the surface of a canvas creating the effect of lost and found probably better than anybody out there today. Me and my cohorts had the opportunity of learning from him back in college. He was an incredibly nice + humble guy.

Born in Hubbard, Texas, in 1933. His first job was paint signs for visiting rodeos. He attended the University of Texas and graduated from The Art Center College in Los Angeles in 1960. English moved to Connecticut in 1964, and so began his meteoric rise as one of America’s top magazine illustrators.The recipient of over a hundred awards from arts organizations nationwide, English was named “Artist of the Year” by the Artists Guild of New York in 1967. His work was selected with astounding regularity for the Society of Illustrators annual exhibitions. The Society further honored him with the Hamilton King Award in 1967, and in 1983 elected him to the their prestigious Illustrators Hall of Fame. In 1977, an offer from Hallmark Cards to serve as artist-in-residence prompted a move to Kansas City, Missouri. English’s interest in Kansas City and its surrounding countryside began to predominate his paintings. English creates rich patterns using simplified geometric shapes and abstract planes that echo the topography and coloration of the land. His landscapes evoke remembered scenes and associative feeling rather than represent particular locations – it is the essence of the experience, gleaned from his continual observation. He currently lives in Kansas City, Mo.