So... a while back I posted about a big illustration job I was working on. Well the files were sent and the production approved and the new Denim Labeling for Jay Jays is now instores! Despite the resulting labels being small and simple, this job was MASSIVE. I first had to shoot all the denim styles on a model, pic the best shots, illustrate them, add hand drawn text (after establishing what the text actually was going to say), choose finishes etc. Luckily Chris Isbister had come up with the overall concept so I didn't have to worry about that! I loved his idea and it was a really nice job to work on. Chris did all the men's denim and I did the womens range; incorporating:
Swing tags for 4 denim styles for: straight, skinny, flare and bootcut, for three different countries Australia, South Africa and New Zealand (12 artworks)
Waist band flashers for 4 styles and complete size range from 4 - 18 for each style (40 artworks)
Sew in labels for 4 styles and complete size range from 4 - 18 for each style (40 artworks)
A new line of embossed and engraved buttons to coincide with the denim launch. (2 artworks)
So all up, close to 100 separate art files I worked on for this. With the new labeling and instore denim launch, Jays denim is off and racing. Really great to see it through from start to finish and lots of fun to work on. I also must give a big high five to my buddy Matthew Kovacs for shooting the photos pictured here, total champ!